A Holistic Approach to ADHD

Are you:

  • Already diagnosed with ADHD and having trouble getting your meds?

  • Able to get medicine, but still reaching for caffeine?

  • Struggling because your medicine wears off too soon?

  • Irritable around the time your medicine stops working?

  • Unsure what symptoms are due to ADHD versus something else?

  • Pretty sure you have ADHD but haven’t been evaluated?

    I can help.

    We’ll talk about more than ‘just’ medicine, taking the time to explore other factors that may contribute to your symptoms. Addressing sleep difficulty, nutrient deficiencies, and symptoms that overlap with other conditions are among the essential steps in optimal ADHD management.

If you have already been diagnosed and sometimes have trouble getting your medicine, don’t give up! Many oral stimulants remain difficult to find consistently, and some prescribers are saying things like “I can’t control the stimulant shortage; I don’t know what to tell you.” As a result, you or your child may have rationed—or gone without—medicine necessary for you to be your best at school, at work, and at home.

The truth is that

You have options!

I work with a specialty pharmacy (optional) to keep up with which medicines are available. So, while I can’t control the national shortage, I can consider availability when discussing medication options.

Optimizing ADHD treatment can take months due to limitations created by insurance companies:

Short appointments, with no time to explore symptoms in adequate detail

There isn’t enough time to fully understand how your medicine works

Wait up to 3 months between appointments—and dose changes

If a new medicine doesn’t work, it’s hard to get an earlier appointment

At Essential Psychiatry, I work outside the insurance network to give you:

Longer or more frequent appointments let us explore your symptoms in detail.

At least 2 treatment options, with pros and cons explained

4-6 appointments in the first 90 days to maintain momentum

Earlier follow-up appointments as needed (available within 1 week)

The following treatment plans are designed to be an ADHD ‘quick start’ option for those who don’t have months to wait. Poor performance at school or work has consequences! And ADHD symptoms can strain your most important relationships.

Let’s get you focused and motivated as quickly as possible!

Click the plan that fits you best for details and pricing

Click the plan that fits you best for details and pricing


I am already diagnosed and only need help with ADHD


I have never been diagnosed and only need help with ADHD


I need help with ADHD + something else

I need help with ADHD and the other plans don’t fit